IFIP TC12 - Artificial Intelligence - Knowledge

  • WG 12.1 - Knowledge Representation and Reasoning

    The working group 12.1 maintains the webpage KRportal which is a community platform for research on knowledge representation and reasoning.



    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., University of Brescia, Italy


    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Cardiff University, UK


    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., University of Huddersfield, UK


    The aim of this working group is to provide a community for researchers in knowledge representation and reasoning. It nurtures both the theoretical and practical advancement of approaches to knowledge representation and reasoning and provides a general forum for the exchange of scientific results.


    The scope of the Working Group’s activities includes (but is not restricted to) the following:   

    • Abductive and inductive reasoning
    • Non-monotonic reasoning
    • Reasoning under inconsistency and incompleteness
    • Reasoning about actions and change
    • Automated reasoning
    • Reasoning about knowledge and belief, epistemic and doxastic logics
    • Logic programming
    • Argumentation
    • Description Logics
    • Uncertain Reasoning, using e.g. probabilistic, possibilistic, fuzzy, or other representations of uncertainty
    • Belief change and merging
    • Implementations and applications of approaches to knowledge representation


    Pietro Baroni Universià degli Studi di Brescia Italy 09.09.15
    Christoph Beierle FernUniversität in Hagen Germany 30.09.15
    Salem Benferhat Université d'Artois France 10.09.15
    Stefano Bistarelli University of Perugia Italy 10.09.15
    Elizabeth Black King's College London UK 10.09.15
    Richard Booth Cardiff University UK 09.09.15
    Federico Cerutti Cardiff University UK 09.09.15
    Claudia D'Amato Università degli Studi di Bari Italy 14.09.15
    James Delgrande Simon Fraser University Canada 02.10.15
    Sylvie Doutre University of Toulouse 1 France 16.09.15
    Stefan Ellmauthaler TU Dresden Germany 11.09.15
    Sarah A. Gaggl University of Dresden Germany 09.09.15
    Massimiliano Giacomin Università degli Studi di Brescia Italy 12.09.15
    Thomas Gordon Fraunhofer FOKUS Berlin Germany 09.09.15
    Davide Grossi University of Liverpool UK 09.09.15
    Andreas Herzig Université Paul Sabatier France 10.09.15
    Anthony Hunter University College London UK 09.09.15
    Souhila Kaci University of Montpellier 2 France 10.09.15
    Gabriele Kern-Isberner TU Dortmund Germany 11.09.15
    Patrick Krümpelmann TU Dortmund Germany 14.09.15
    Mario Lezoche Universite de Lorraine France 29.06.20
    Beishui Liao Zhejiang University China 09.09.15
    Thomas Linsbichler TU Vienna Austria 11.09.15
    Sheila McIlraith University of Toronto Canada 01.10.15
    Thomas Meyer University of Cape Town South Africa 09.09.15
    Sanjay Modgil King's College London UK 09.09.15
    Nir Oren University of Aberdeen UK 10.09.15
    Sylwia Polberg University College London UK 18.09.15
    Nico Potyka FernUniversität in Hagen Germany 10.09.15
    Henry Prakken Utrecht University The Netherlands 16.09.15
    Chris Reed University of Dundee UK 09.09.15
    Odinaldo Rodrigues King's College London UK 22.09.15
    Guillermo R. Simari Universidad Nacional del Sur Argentina 09.09.15
    Gerardo I. Simari Universidad Nacional del Sur Argentina 10.09.15
    Andrea Tettamanzi University Nice Sophia Antipolis France 09.09.15
    Matthias Thimm Universität Koblenz-Landau Germany 28.10.13
    Mauro Vallati University of Huddersfield UK 09.09.15
    Bas van Gijzel University of Nottingham UK 13.10.15
    Marc van Zee University of Luxembourg Luxembourg 09.09.15
    Srdjan Vesic CRIL Lens France 09.09.15
    Serena Villata Signaux et Systèmes de Sophia-Antipolis France 12.10.15
    Stefan Woltran TU Vienna Austria 10.09.15
  • WG 12.6 – Knowledge Management

    This group’s website is at: http://ifipgroup.com/



    Prof. Eunika Mercier-Laurent, Knowledge & Innovation Management and IAE Lyon University, 620 Chemin des Grives, FR-34160 SAINT DREZERY, France, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    Prof. Maciej Pondel, Wroclaw University of Economics, Department of Business Intelligence in Management, WROCLAW, Poland, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. 


    Nada Matta, University of Technology Troyes, France, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


    To develop advanced methods for organizing, accessing and exploiting multidisciplinary knowledge within organisations and enterprises.
    To bring together various areas of KM research and technology to meet this challenge, e.g. knowledge transfer and modelling, optimisation, natural language understanding, speech and image processing and understanding, reasoning methods, learning methods, communication methods, social aspects, complex problem solving, decision support, human-machine interaction, serious games.
    To develop technology for intelligent support of Knowledge Cultivators, e.g. intelligent knowledge navigation systems, multi modal interface, automatic translation, competency management, e- and m-activities such as learning, collaborative research and design, business, process control.
    To share the worldwide experience in the above domains.


    Methodology, technologies, processes, and systems for supporting all aspects of knowledge management as communication, collaboration, learning, innovation, decision making, investigation, embedding and archiving. Knowledge thinking.
    Knowledge Holonomy - the interplay between individual, organizational, enterprise and society levels. Cross organisational.

    Technology trends includes:

    • Intelligent multimodal knowledge acquisition and retrieval
    • Knowledge discovery
    • Technology for sustainable development
    • Convergence of intelligences
    • Technology for Knowledge
    • Innovation Human machine interaction and collaboration
    • Virtual reality and Games for KM
    • e- and mobile actvities
    • Knowledge for Innovation

    Conference:  Artificial Intelligence for Knowledge Management (AI4KM)

    The first took place at ECAI 2012 in Montpellier. Revised Selected Papers are available http://www.springer.com/fr/book/9783642548963

    Second AI4KM was organized in partnership with Fedscis 2014 in Warsaw, Poland https://fedcsis.org/, Revised Selected papers will be issued shortly

    The 3rd AI4KMwas held on IJCAI 15 in Buenos Aires, information and program on http://innovation-ecosystems.eu/?page_id=104&lang=en

    e-proceedings on http://ifipgroup.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/AI4KMProceedings1.pdf