TC12 “Artificial Intelligence” is one of the thirteen Technical Committees of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP).
To foster the development and understanding of Artificial Intelligence and its applications worldwide.
Its subfields include the following: Automated Reasoning, Belief Revision, Case-Based Reasoning, Computer Vision, Constraint Satisfaction, Data Mining, etc.
Welcome to the website of TC12, the International Federation for Information Processing Technical Committee on Artificial Intelligence (AI). AI is one of the oldest and most exciting subfields of computing, covering such areas as intelligent robotics, intelligent planning and scheduling, model-based reasoning, fault diagnosis, natural language processing, machine translation, knowledge representation and reasoning, knowledge-based systems, knowledge engineering, intelligent agents, machine learning, neural nets, genetic algorithms and knowledge management.
TC12 was formed back in 1989. It now has members representing 33 national computer societies, together with representatives of the ACM and the IEEE, and has several working groups covering major topics in AI.
In recent years, TC12 and its Working Groups have sponsored or co-sponsored a range of events worldwide. Details of some of these are given on this website. It has also made major contributions to recent IFIP World Computer Congresses.
As Chair my aim is to build on this excellent foundation by expanding our conference programme, strengthening our working groups and developing a number of other initiatives in the next few years. If you are interested in becoming involved in TC12 activities please contact either me [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.] or the Committee's secretary, Prof. Elize Ehlers [This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.].
Professor Eunika Mercier-Laurent
Aim: To study and develop theory and techniques for knowledge representation and reasoning...
Aim: To explore the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques for applications development...
Aims: To obtain a deeper understanding of Computational Intelligence and its Applications...
Aims: To connect research in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science...
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